A Modern Love Story

Conflicted in my merciless heart

(That face of yours)

The first thing that my eyes scan after pushing open the door

You know I’m still not yours

Kisses by the restroom

But you still wanted more

I did not surrender my body to you

But I am still a whore

I Never Thought I’d Have to “Un-love” Someone

I’m talking to boys

Who tell me right off that bat that

They don’t like me

And then they ask why I’m always playing defense

They tell me I’m

The bad kind of different

It’s nothing I haven’t heard

They say other girls “chill”

I’ve never known the meaning of the word

I tried to get my ex to teach me how

But we broke up when I was only luke warm

And I know I’m playing offense

Charging at lighting speed

To any boy who dares to touch me

And maybe it’s not fair

But maybe I don’t mind

If I Knew How Quickly You Would Have Left, I Wouldn’t Have Stayed.

Kissing you after not having you as mine
Was forbidden
Underground tunnels we dug as kids to hide from our parents

Kissing you after not being able to kiss you for 4 months
Was hazy
I can’t remember how you tasted
I was hungry and desperate

And you were there with your same
Golden skin
Same smile with missing teeth

When I kissed what was mine again
I was in the past and present at once
My lips meshing into yours

Then right before you left I kissed you simply and naively
I kissed you for the last time

And I wish I could forget the way it tasted

For When You Brag To All Of Your Friends

Tell them that it was sin.
Tell them that I wasn’t as tight as a virgin girl.
Tell them that you tossed me on my back and told me I liked it.
Tell them it wasn’t forced.
Tell them that’s why you couldn’t feel anything.
Tell them I was bare.
Tell them that I shaved just for you.
Tell them I was like the African Pyramids: robbed of all gold.
Tell them I wanted it.
Tell them that you were like hard liquor my body couldn’t handle.
Tell them how I should have liked it.
Tell them how I should have dropped to my knees and scrubbed your feet like a Jewish slave.
Tell them how I should have given my body to you again and again…

You Sat Me On Your Lap and Told Me To Keep My Chin Up


The sky was a cotton-candy pink

The kind of color that makes

You wonder why you’ve

Never been camping

Or jumped on a trampoline

In evening

I watched it turn to


One of those in-between colors

Because it’s light enough

To where

The sky doesn’t feel like

It’s swallowing me whole

But dark enough to

Where pre-teens scamper


As the street lights flicker

I study the outside world

Of stars
Color palettes

And dying trees

To distract myself from you

All of that green

Helps me remember to breath

And to scratch your knee

Whenever I get anxious

Maybe next time I’ll

Remember to close my

Eyes when we kiss

My Mind Feels It’s Bouncing On a Trampoline

In my younger state
I’d say it wasn’t fair
That maybe my body
Is immune to being happy
And not writing poetry

So in a way
I cured myself with sadness
Three years older
Falling back into old habits

And tripping over
My own bug-bite stained feet

Leaping over responsibilities
As I mumbled to myself that
Someone is here holding me

If We Felt In The Same Ways

I wanted to only share with you pretty words
So you could use them in the way I would
And when you found the one that hit you
You could let the dictionary slam into your face
Or let your head fall numbly onto the keyboard
And think to yourself
“This is what she was talking about”
“This is why she loved poetry so much”

I Want To Scream Until My Throat Burns

Let me have your messy parts:
Your two A.M.’s,
and mid day breakdowns.
Let me kiss each one of them.

Let me see you vulnerable.
Kid, I want to see you when you’re scared.
When you’ve lost your mom and brother.

Tell me about when you realized all fairy tales were lies.
And how you bought your first lighter hoping to burn wings so your past couldn’t fly into your dreams.

The first time you realized your body was breaking down.
Are you still like that?
Or do you believe everything’s going to be okay?

It Would be Weird if I Didn’t Miss You Part 2

I just focus on your soft voice
Telling me how wrong I am
And forget the rest
So maybe I can finally sleep at night

And hopefully one of these days
You’ll wake up and feel alright
And realize you don’t miss me at all
Then I will realize why they call

Being in love the “fall”

It Would be Weird if I Didn’t Miss You

I’ve started measuring my worth
In every boy
That’s ever come back

So after I left you
I just kept waiting
For that boy to text me

The one with the loose curls
Who I met
At that party

To call me and say that
Even though I left
I’m still worth something

And since I meant everything
He let me go
But you still don’t know

How to un-dig your fingernails
From my flesh
And I know without me

You’ll be bored at best