You Sat Me On Your Lap and Told Me To Keep My Chin Up


The sky was a cotton-candy pink

The kind of color that makes

You wonder why you’ve

Never been camping

Or jumped on a trampoline

In evening

I watched it turn to


One of those in-between colors

Because it’s light enough

To where

The sky doesn’t feel like

It’s swallowing me whole

But dark enough to

Where pre-teens scamper


As the street lights flicker

I study the outside world

Of stars
Color palettes

And dying trees

To distract myself from you

All of that green

Helps me remember to breath

And to scratch your knee

Whenever I get anxious

Maybe next time I’ll

Remember to close my

Eyes when we kiss

My Mind Feels It’s Bouncing On a Trampoline

In my younger state
I’d say it wasn’t fair
That maybe my body
Is immune to being happy
And not writing poetry

So in a way
I cured myself with sadness
Three years older
Falling back into old habits

And tripping over
My own bug-bite stained feet

Leaping over responsibilities
As I mumbled to myself that
Someone is here holding me

It Would be Weird if I Didn’t Miss You Part 2

I just focus on your soft voice
Telling me how wrong I am
And forget the rest
So maybe I can finally sleep at night

And hopefully one of these days
You’ll wake up and feel alright
And realize you don’t miss me at all
Then I will realize why they call

Being in love the “fall”

You Said That This is What Summer Looks Like

I flirt with boys for company
Done loneliness as my own
Ride in the car without a seatbelt no matter how fast I’m going
Or who I’m with
Wear makeup just to feel pretty
Make enough money to buy 38 blush compacts from Sephora if I wanted
Steal it just because I can
Arrive late to work
Just to leave early
Take frequent bathroom breaks
Cry breaks
Ifeellikedying breaks
Sleep in because I can
Post pictures of me looking happy so everyone can admire my lifestyle
Admire my pain just because I can