I want to take Polaroids of the way our skin contrasts

I’m getting used to

Being used

A grab

A smack

A tug

A bruise

Reminders that I am yours

-but taking pain is such a chore!

However I  do feel at my best

When looking at purple markings on my breasts

Please take me and turn me into a painting

My colors are yours for the using

After all this time I can still have something new

Sitting in a crowded room

Not one of us will leave too soon

It seems that my hips have been attached

To your leg

My weight on your lap

But when old parts of me resurface

Scratches on my wrist

You put out your hand to stop my searching

Blocking my scratches with a kiss

A Modern Love Story

Conflicted in my merciless heart

(That face of yours)

The first thing that my eyes scan after pushing open the door

You know I’m still not yours

Kisses by the restroom

But you still wanted more

I did not surrender my body to you

But I am still a whore

For When You Brag To All Of Your Friends

Tell them that it was sin.
Tell them that I wasn’t as tight as a virgin girl.
Tell them that you tossed me on my back and told me I liked it.
Tell them it wasn’t forced.
Tell them that’s why you couldn’t feel anything.
Tell them I was bare.
Tell them that I shaved just for you.
Tell them I was like the African Pyramids: robbed of all gold.
Tell them I wanted it.
Tell them that you were like hard liquor my body couldn’t handle.
Tell them how I should have liked it.
Tell them how I should have dropped to my knees and scrubbed your feet like a Jewish slave.
Tell them how I should have given my body to you again and again…

You Sat Me On Your Lap and Told Me To Keep My Chin Up


The sky was a cotton-candy pink

The kind of color that makes

You wonder why you’ve

Never been camping

Or jumped on a trampoline

In evening

I watched it turn to


One of those in-between colors

Because it’s light enough

To where

The sky doesn’t feel like

It’s swallowing me whole

But dark enough to

Where pre-teens scamper


As the street lights flicker

I study the outside world

Of stars
Color palettes

And dying trees

To distract myself from you

All of that green

Helps me remember to breath

And to scratch your knee

Whenever I get anxious

Maybe next time I’ll

Remember to close my

Eyes when we kiss

If We Felt In The Same Ways

I wanted to only share with you pretty words
So you could use them in the way I would
And when you found the one that hit you
You could let the dictionary slam into your face
Or let your head fall numbly onto the keyboard
And think to yourself
“This is what she was talking about”
“This is why she loved poetry so much”

I Want To Scream Until My Throat Burns

Let me have your messy parts:
Your two A.M.’s,
and mid day breakdowns.
Let me kiss each one of them.

Let me see you vulnerable.
Kid, I want to see you when you’re scared.
When you’ve lost your mom and brother.

Tell me about when you realized all fairy tales were lies.
And how you bought your first lighter hoping to burn wings so your past couldn’t fly into your dreams.

The first time you realized your body was breaking down.
Are you still like that?
Or do you believe everything’s going to be okay?

You Said That This is What Summer Looks Like

I flirt with boys for company
Done loneliness as my own
Ride in the car without a seatbelt no matter how fast I’m going
Or who I’m with
Wear makeup just to feel pretty
Make enough money to buy 38 blush compacts from Sephora if I wanted
Steal it just because I can
Arrive late to work
Just to leave early
Take frequent bathroom breaks
Cry breaks
Ifeellikedying breaks
Sleep in because I can
Post pictures of me looking happy so everyone can admire my lifestyle
Admire my pain just because I can

I’d Give You All 15 of The Bullets Back

It’s funny how the number two keeps coming up
Like how we used exactly two spermicide bullets
And I lent you approximately two pairs of socks

I was planning on lying when you came over
Telling you that the hickies on my neck were
In fact
From you and not the boy
A few streets over

But you already know the horrible truth
That I do not love you
And the residue
Your kisses leave

So instead I focus on
The palm trees
With their fallen cones and leaves
Making everything tropical and heated

I try to play mistreated
So when we argue I usually cry
So that you can ignore the fact
That admitting I’m wrong
Makes me want to die

I wrote this
To tell you that after 7 months
I am fixing things
Even though I fall apart as I write this

The Adventures of Depressive Boy and Anxiety Girl

We popped our bubble hearts with butter knives

Stayed out past curfew

(You seemed worried)

Not about the dullness of the knife


About the dullness of your life

Said you wanted the kind of expensive things they had

Said you were in the mood to feel like living


You’re free now

Your heart was free

But you chose a girl

Slid it out

Sent it express shipping


Your body is not your own

You want to give it to her

She no longer knopws if she wants it


But she’ll take it if you promise to


Carving shapes out of her


She does not belong to you

Determined to keep it that way

Adds a spark to your life

With her non-consistancy


This is the best that it gets

You have adventure

And a girl that almost loves you


What more do you want?

So much more that you want