It Would be Weird if I Didn’t Miss You

I’ve started measuring my worth
In every boy
That’s ever come back

So after I left you
I just kept waiting
For that boy to text me

The one with the loose curls
Who I met
At that party

To call me and say that
Even though I left
I’m still worth something

And since I meant everything
He let me go
But you still don’t know

How to un-dig your fingernails
From my flesh
And I know without me

You’ll be bored at best

You Said That This is What Summer Looks Like

I flirt with boys for company
Done loneliness as my own
Ride in the car without a seatbelt no matter how fast I’m going
Or who I’m with
Wear makeup just to feel pretty
Make enough money to buy 38 blush compacts from Sephora if I wanted
Steal it just because I can
Arrive late to work
Just to leave early
Take frequent bathroom breaks
Cry breaks
Ifeellikedying breaks
Sleep in because I can
Post pictures of me looking happy so everyone can admire my lifestyle
Admire my pain just because I can